Thursday, May 28, 2009

Second Round Down

Today Char had her second round of Chemo and initiated the official Biotherapy/Placebo intervention portion of her clinical trial.  While her day was long and tiring, it went well.  She says that she feels a bit more fatigued and shakier than after her initial treatment session.  This could be cumulative effect of treatment, simple duration of treatment and time sitting throughout the day today, introduction of a new intervention or any combination of all of the above.  At the end of the day, she sounds great and was able to eat and drink throughout her treatment today.  

During these long days of treatment, Char is making some new friends.  Many of the people who she is meeting are also in the midst of their battle with Ovarian Cancer.  This is a positive thing as they are able to share so much experience, information, support and perspective with each other. Through her work with the Stephen Ministries, Char has provided much support for many individuals in troubled times of health and well-being.  Last night it seems that the support that they provide for others opened a new door for her.  The church that she attends is the meeting place for a support group called HUGS that is for women battling various forms of Gynocological Cancers.  The schedule could not work out better for her as it corresponds perfectly with her Stephen Ministries meeting schedule allowing her to participate in both.  She plans to begin attending at the next available meeting.  While those near and dear to her are able to provide so much love, encouragement and support, we are unable to share any true perspective or experience specific to Ovarian Cancer.  We are very grateful that she has found this opportunity.   

Mom had her follow-up from her surgery with Dr. McCullom this week.  Her blood results continue to show positive trends.  Her pertinent levels are increasing as would be expected.   Overall, he said that she is progressing very well.  He is not ready to release her to return to work quite yet.  Thankfully, Char's company has been and says they will be very accommodating with her throughout her treatment.  We are obviously very grateful for their flexibility and understanding.  It is an enormous stress relief for her.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support.  We are so happy to continue to be providing positive news on Mom's progress.  She truly is a trooper.  This Ovarian Cancer did not choose a weak and complacent adversary.  Our Mom is in it to win it. ;)  

Mom, we love you and are so proud of you.  We pray that you continue to feel minimal effects from these treatments and continue to experience the best possible results of your efforts and treatments.  We love you, love you, love you!

All of Our Love,

Your Gang      

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Proceeding With Confidence

Courage has been defined as proceeding with confidence even when you're really scared and don't know at all where you'll actually wind up. These women have such courage in abundance. Their confidence comes from knowledge, information, thoughtful action, a sense of partnership with their health care teams, and hope. Why not hope? Statistics exist, but you're so much more than a statistic. When you don't know the outcome of something, all endings are possible. That is a kind of freedom.

-Gilda's Disease: Personal Experiences & Authoritative Medical Advice on Ovarian Cancer

Written by: M. Steven Piver, MD and Gene Wilder

Apologies to everyone for my extended absence and lack of blog updates. I assure you that moving forward, if there is not an update for a period of time, it is because Char is doing GREAT! No matter what chaos may encompass our lives, if there are wonderful updates or new concerns regarding Char's well being, I promise, all of you who follow so closely and care so dearly will never be left in the dark.

Today is a wonderful day! Mom went for her second round of blood tests with her Oncology team. All of her pertinent blood levels are exactly where they would like them to be. Basically, this means that Char is kicking ass. ;) Sorry for the language Mom, but there is simply no better way to define how well you are doing.
Thursday, May 28th Char will have her second round of Chemo and this is when the Biotherapy/Placebo from the study will be introduced into her regimen. Mom's only complaint about this upcoming event is that it means an extra hundred minutes or so in the chair on Thursday. Thankfully, her team is fabulous and she is kept very comfortable and is very well taken care of. We will continue to keep her entertained with books and music, though at times a nap may be just what the doctor ordered.

Over the weekend Char was a bit under the weather. She is not sure if it was simply allergies or a cold that she was dealing with. No matter, she kicked it in no time. Sleep continues to be a fair weather friend. Short periods of sleep seem to be getting her by. I think it is simply a case of a mind and body too used to nonstop action trying to catch up with a slightly altered pace of life. Don't be fooled, Char is not sitting at home on the couch. She may not have signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon or be putting in 80 hours between work, church and grandchildren quite yet, but her medical regimen keeps her quite busy. Luckily, she is finding plenty of time to restfully enjoy her family, friends and loved ones as well!

Mom, we are so proud of your continuously growing courage and confidence. Each day your strength, drive, focus, optimism and open mindedness continue to amaze me. I know that for you...all endings are indeed possible.

All Of Our Love,

Your Gang

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feeling A Bit Better

The last couple of days have been a bit blah for Char. Sleep has not come easy. Nausea sneaks up a bit too early for the medicine that helps to keep it at bay. Achy flu like symptoms seem to have become a bit prevalent these last few days. She certainly is not letting it keep her down. "Well, I cannot really complain. It's not like I thought I would not have any side effects at all. Besides, Dr. McCullom said I would be sore for six to eight weeks after surgery as it is. That was before chemo. Maybe I don't feel like dancing, but not like I ever have anyways!"

Tonight, Mom is feeling better. Not as sore, not as nauseous, a bit more rested. Her spirits are great and she is keeping herself busy for sure. She has been out enjoying time with "Her Ladies" a.k.a. Sherry and Grandma A, a few times already this week. She is enjoying her lively Grandchildren Lindsey and Jason. She has a steady stream of welcome supporting phone calls. She has a regular entourage of family and friends keeping her busy and keeping her within their protective wings. Annie is playing a bigger role in the house but seems to be taking to it without complaint. "I think she may even be enjoying it", Mom says with a little giggle. Mom's always run a tight ship when it comes to a clean house, so Annie must be doing great for all of the compliments Mom has been paying her! Deby is a regular at Mom's for a visit or some help or a ride to wherever or whatever she may need. Least I forget Paco and Lucy...well, suffice it to say that they are just thrilled. They have their Mommy there with them most of the day and all of the night to snuggle and cuddle until their hearts are content.

It is such a blessing to see that a true sense of family and community still runs strong in our world today. Thank God for it. The wagons have circled and the village is looking out for one of their beloved. Simultaneously, with no thought and no effort, this experience is bringing all of us closer together. All of a sudden the tedium of everyday headaches seem to be so much less important or dire than before that they may have taken away a moment to catch up with family and friends. While I certainly wish this bonding and enlightenment was happening under very different circumstances, it is definitely a truly welcome element of positivity.

Mom, keep up the incredible work. You know we are here for you no matter what you may need. We know that you are a do'er and are not about to sit and let others do what you can do better yourself anyways. If there are those moments that you could use a helping hand, know that there are many many hands just a phone call away. If there are those moments that you could use an ear or a kind word, know that there are plenty of chatty folks amongst us ready to share all of the latest scoop to make you laugh and plenty of eager ears to listen to whatever you may need. To all of those hands, all of those chatty folks and all of those eager ears, thank you for all that you are doing and all that you would drop anything to do for our Mom.

Mom, may tonight bring you restful sleep. May tomorrow have you feeling yet even better. May Friday bring you a good appetite so that a few of "your boys" can take you out for a nice lunch with laughter filled stories of our younger juvenile ways that much to our surprise, you always had the hand up on! We love you Mom. Sweet dreams.

All of Our Love,

Your Gang

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day!


There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.

~Henry Ward Beecher

There is no respect, no gratitude, like that of the son for his Mother.

~Your Grateful Son

I'm really profoundly proud and fond of you, after my fashion which is inarticulate
about such things, and I know there is a rare feeling between us that ought to make
both of our lives richer as years go by.

~Eugene O'Neill

Mom, the more that I continue to learn from you, about you and witness through your
actions, the richer my life becomes. Thank you so very much.

Happy Birthday. Happy Mother's Day. Wishing you all of the health, love, laughter and
cherished experiences that you so deserve.

All of My Love,


Friday, May 8, 2009

"One Down and Twenty-One To Go!"

As expected, Char did great today. Deby went with Mom to her first chemo treatment. Once things were underway, Mom wanted to rest so Deby gave her some time to relax. Dr. McCullom said things were good. Her Oncology Team took very good care of her. She had been having some pain at her port site. They corrected the issue and of course were very gentle with her. She said she had no pain throughout treatment. She was as comfortable as someone can be sitting in a chair for the majority of the day.

Mom was in good spirits as always. Once the initial anxiety subsided, she seemed to feel okay. I do not want to speak as if I know how she feels but she said "First one done. It wasn't so bad. It went well." She ended treatment with a chipper "One down only twenty-one to go!" Another fear, another challenge shown its place at the hands and in the mind of a strong woman. Good for you Mom!

Expecting her to go home and need to nap the day away as she said she would, I called her at 9:15 PM and interrupted Grey's Anatomy yet again. I am famous for this. Thank you DVR. She was doing well. She had rested on and off throughout the day but was not exhausted. "The kids will be home soon. I will wait to see them and then head to bed." Grammy doesn't like to miss her babies. Nor do Grammy's babies like to miss her.

You did great Mom. As we knew you would. We are proud of you and how you continue to prove to yourself just how strong you can be.

We love you. Sweet dreams.

Your Gang

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do Not Be Afraid of Tomorrow

“If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.”

~Lance Armstrong

Mom, you have found the faith and the strength to ignore all odds and percentages. You have hope but most of all you have faith. I know that this week has been tough and that tomorrow's first chemo treatment is yet another unknown. I also know that you are strong and you are determined and you are going to fight like hell.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

~Eleanor Roosevelt

Over the last several weeks, you have looked fear in the face and made it back down many times. Each time, I know that its takes a brief toll, but I also know that it is helping you gain strength, gain courage and gain confidence. Each experience is proving to you that you can take this. You can fight this. You can do this.

Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there.

~Author Unknown

I think that this quote says it all.

We love you Mom. We are here for you no matter what you need. We are thinking about you and praying with you every moment. You are going to do great things tomorrow. Once you take that first deep breath while sitting in that chair tomorrow, you will have already conquered another challenge in your journey. You will have stared fear down yet again. That will be one more unknown crossed off of your list. You can take this. You can fight this. You can do this. We are very proud of you. We love you very much.

All of Our Love,

Your Gang

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Mind of a Child...Creates The Perfect Medicine

This weekend we had an early celebration for Mom's Birthday.  It was wonderfully laughter and love filled, just the way that all Birthdays should be.  Dr. Sophie, Dr. Lindsey, Dr. Madison, Dr. Xander and Dr. Jason all prescribed their fair dose of laughter and ear plug necessary good times for all!  The kids kept things very exciting and entertaining for all of us.  Mom, I hope that it was not peace and relaxation that you were seeking this weekend, because Lord knows you didn't get it.  

The weekend was full of family and friends.  Saturday the kids wore "Uncle" Jason out jumping on the trampoline.  We had a fabulous get together for Mom's Birthday dinner on Saturday night.  Fifteen people gathered around a table just big enough but just intimate enough for a wonderful night.  Mom, Sherry, Grandma A, Annie, Lindsey, Little Jason, Deby, Ernie, Madison, Cameron, Amanda, Chandra, Xander, Sophie and I enjoyed a great dinner followed by some incredible Cold Stone Ice Cream cakes.  It really was a lot of fun.

Sunday, Mom, Sherry and I went to an incredibly lively and uplifting church service.  Then Mom, Annie and Chandra went shopping.  Ernie was laying a new tile floor in the kids bathroom while the kids ran, played and wreaked exuberant havoc on the house.  "Uncle" Jason was again summoned to the trampoline for a cousin filled afternoon of jumping, running, laughing and screaming.  Deby was very gracious and assisted with this duty.  And then somehow, we found it in our stomachs to have yet another great meal prepared by Mom in Mom's Kitchen.  Those are always the best.  Oh yeah, of course then we had to polished off the Cold Stone.  We had such a nice weekend.  

Mom, we hope the quiet was a welcome surprise today.  This is going to be a busy week for Char.  Today she had her surgical consultation to the implantation of the port through which her chemo will be delivered.  She and Deby will be at Virginia Beach General at 6:00 AM Tuesday for this out-patient procedure.  Then, no rest...or food unfortunately for the wicked, and its off to chug some radioactive dye in prep for another round of CT scans.  From there hopefully Mom will enjoy an amazing dinner to celebrate her daily conquest and fasting.  Wednesday should bring some peace, quiet and rest time in prep for for Round One of Chemo on Thursday.

Mom, you are going to do awesome!  I know it is going to be a busy week, but this is what you have been preparing for.  It is time to jump in feet first and fight this fight that you have been training for.  Everyone is on your side and screaming in your corner.  You are in the thoughts and prayers of more people than you can even imagine.  God is looking after you always.  You are going to do incredibly! 

All of Our Love,   

Your Gang

P.S. There will be more picture postings to come from the weekend.  Genius that I am, left our camera's memory card on Annie's computer desk in Virginia Beach and drove back to Arlington.  It is en route and I promise to post more as soon as USPS can deliver it to me. 

Bald is Beautiful Baby!

Mom, Annie and Chandra had a lot of fun picking out the perfect "Hair Prosthesis" a.k.a "Wig" for Mom this weekend.  As you can see, there was plenty of laughing and good cheer to help celebrate this event.

"Celebration is a kind of food we all need in our lives, and each individual brings a special recipe or offering, so that together we will make a great feast.  Celebration is a human need that we must not, and cannot deny.  It is richer and fuller when many work and then celebrate together".

-Corita Kent and Jan Stewart in Learning by Heart