Courage has been defined as proceeding with confidence even when you're really scared and don't know at all where you'll actually wind up. These women have such courage in abundance. Their confidence comes from knowledge, information, thoughtful action, a sense of partnership with their health care teams, and hope. Why not hope? Statistics exist, but you're so much more than a statistic. When you don't know the outcome of something, all endings are possible. That is a kind of freedom.
-Gilda's Disease: Personal Experiences & Authoritative Medical Advice on Ovarian Cancer
Written by: M. Steven Piver, MD and Gene Wilder
Apologies to everyone for my extended absence and lack of blog updates. I assure you that moving forward, if there is not an update for a period of time, it is because Char is doing GREAT! No matter what chaos may encompass our lives, if there are wonderful updates or new concerns regarding Char's well being, I promise, all of you who follow so closely and care so dearly will never be left in the dark.
Today is a wonderful day! Mom went for her second round of blood tests with her Oncology team. All of her pertinent blood levels are exactly where they would like them to be. Basically, this means that Char is kicking ass. ;) Sorry for the language Mom, but there is simply no better way to define how well you are doing.
Thursday, May 28th Char will have her second round of Chemo and this is when the Biotherapy/Placebo from the study will be introduced into her regimen. Mom's only complaint about this upcoming event is that it means an extra hundred minutes or so in the chair on Thursday. Thankfully, her team is fabulous and she is kept very comfortable and is very well taken care of. We will continue to keep her entertained with books and music, though at times a nap may be just what the doctor ordered.
Over the weekend Char was a bit under the weather. She is not sure if it was simply allergies or a cold that she was dealing with. No matter, she kicked it in no time. Sleep continues to be a fair weather friend. Short periods of sleep seem to be getting her by. I think it is simply a case of a mind and body too used to nonstop action trying to catch up with a slightly altered pace of life. Don't be fooled, Char is not sitting at home on the couch. She may not have signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon or be putting in 80 hours between work, church and grandchildren quite yet, but her medical regimen keeps her quite busy. Luckily, she is finding plenty of time to restfully enjoy her family, friends and loved ones as well!
Mom, we are so proud of your continuously growing courage and confidence. Each day your strength, drive, focus, optimism and open mindedness continue to amaze me. I know that for you...all endings are indeed possible.
All Of Our Love,
Your Gang
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