The last couple of days have been a bit blah for Char. Sleep has not come easy. Nausea sneaks up a bit too early for the medicine that helps to keep it at bay. Achy flu like symptoms seem to have become a bit prevalent these last few days. She certainly is not letting it keep her down. "Well, I cannot really complain. It's not like I thought I would not have any side effects at all. Besides, Dr. McCullom said I would be sore for six to eight weeks after surgery as it is. That was before chemo. Maybe I don't feel like dancing, but not like I ever have anyways!"
Tonight, Mom is feeling better. Not as sore, not as nauseous, a bit more rested. Her spirits are great and she is keeping herself busy for sure. She has been out enjoying time with "Her Ladies" a.k.a. Sherry and Grandma A, a few times already this week. She is enjoying her lively Grandchildren Lindsey and Jason. She has a steady stream of welcome supporting phone calls. She has a regular entourage of family and friends keeping her busy and keeping her within their protective wings. Annie is playing a bigger role in the house but seems to be taking to it without complaint. "I think she may even be enjoying it", Mom says with a little giggle. Mom's always run a tight ship when it comes to a clean house, so Annie must be doing great for all of the compliments Mom has been paying her! Deby is a regular at Mom's for a visit or some help or a ride to wherever or whatever she may need. Least I forget Paco and Lucy...well, suffice it to say that they are just thrilled. They have their Mommy there with them most of the day and all of the night to snuggle and cuddle until their hearts are content.
It is such a blessing to see that a true sense of family and community still runs strong in our world today. Thank God for it. The wagons have circled and the village is looking out for one of their beloved. Simultaneously, with no thought and no effort, this experience is bringing all of us closer together. All of a sudden the tedium of everyday headaches seem to be so much less important or dire than before that they may have taken away a moment to catch up with family and friends. While I certainly wish this bonding and enlightenment was happening under very different circumstances, it is definitely a truly welcome element of positivity.
Mom, keep up the incredible work. You know we are here for you no matter what you may need. We know that you are a do'er and are not about to sit and let others do what you can do better yourself anyways. If there are those moments that you could use a helping hand, know that there are many many hands just a phone call away. If there are those moments that you could use an ear or a kind word, know that there are plenty of chatty folks amongst us ready to share all of the latest scoop to make you laugh and plenty of eager ears to listen to whatever you may need. To all of those hands, all of those chatty folks and all of those eager ears, thank you for all that you are doing and all that you would drop anything to do for our Mom.
Mom, may tonight bring you restful sleep. May tomorrow have you feeling yet even better. May Friday bring you a good appetite so that a few of "your boys" can take you out for a nice lunch with laughter filled stories of our younger juvenile ways that much to our surprise, you always had the hand up on! We love you Mom. Sweet dreams.
All of Our Love,
Your Gang
isn't is amazing and humbling to see how God can bring some good out of every thing!
ReplyDeleteGlad to have found this blog! I will be following! Give Char my love and prayers. Andrea (reunion group)