Last week, Mom got some news that was like a wave sweeping us all off of our feet. She had spent a few weeks of back and forth to the doctor with increasing stomach pain, abdominal swelling, fluid weight gain and new onset shortness of breath. Initially, there was calcification noted through X-rays on her Gall Bladder. She was pending an appointment for Ultrasound and potential Gall Bladder surgery within a week, when she simply could not take the pain and discomfort any longer. She went to the Emergency Room and a diagnosis was uncertain at that point. They did a CAT Scan and the radiology reports came back that she had a very large Ovarian tumor. Immediately the doctors told her that it was quite likely Ovarian Cancer in a progressed stage. Wow, to put it mildly, those were the absolute roughest words that Mom has ever had to share with us.
Immediately the ER Doctor referred her to Dr. McCullom with Virginia Oncology Associates. The next morning, April 14, 2009, Mom had her evaluation with Dr. McCullom. After tests and assessments, he confirmed that in fact she was dealing with Ovarian Cancer in a progressed stage. He scheduled surgery for the next morning. There were many questions about the outcome and extent of surgery that was going to be involved. Unfortunately, prior to surgery, there were not too many definitive answers.
Of course we all had a million questions. Of course being her son and in the medical profession, I had and have a million more. Only one seemed to matter though..."Why was this happening to our Mom?" For those of you who don't know, in our eyes, our Mom could not be any closer to being an angel unless she suddenly sprouted wings and a glowing golden halo. She is one of the most caring and selfless people that I have ever or will ever have the privilege of knowing. She is absolutely amazing.
One of our biggest concerns of course, was who was going to be leading the pack in the race for our Mom's health and well-being. Mom had no concerns. Dr. McCullom could not have made her feel anymore comfortable, confident or safe in his abilities and in her journey to health. He did not paint a picture that was easy or pretty. He painted one of reality, courage, experience, perseverance and faith. Did I mention that she lacks in none of these areas.
At 6:30 AM on April 15, 2009 one by one, we were asked to keep only one to two people in the Pre-surgical room with her at a time. One by one, we did our best to accommodate...although they could not have drug us out of there if they tried. The support, love and faith in that room with her and with us was incredible. Before they came to take her to surgery we all said a prayer with her and a calm seemed to come to her much sooner than it came to any of us. She was prepared. She was confident in Dr. McCullom and his team. Confident in her care and grateful for the opportunity that she has to receive such care. Most of all, as always, she was comforted and grateful because she knew that God knew what the plan was for her that morning. About four hours later, we were so happy and so relieved to know that His plan for her that day was to have many many many more days here with us. Dr. McCullom came to share with us the success of the surgery. "Its not how it looks when we go into the surgery that matters. It is how things look after surgery that counts. Things look good." Step one of her journey to health was complete and it was a success. She got the official diagnosis of Stage IIIC Ovarian Cancer. There are more steps to come though she has the courage and faith to take them on one by one.
So as Mom was waking from her anesthesia, we saw a new and VERY funny side of her. Her sweet demeanor became sarcastic, quick witted and well deservedly pointed hilarious jokes and comments were targeted at a few of her close family and friends that were present in her post-op room. It was hilarious. Obviously, she had a few things to lovingly get off of her chest. Obviously, we listened and are the better for it. Having seven brothers, three "kids" and living many years in a military environment, I knew she had it in her. It was super funny to see.
The hospital could not keep her. It was no time before she was sipping and nibbling. Then up in the room to the chair. Then getting herself washed up and ready for the day. Then finally and with no lack of excitement getting in and out of the bathroom independently. Then came the walks. "Each time I leave my room, I can go one door further from my room". Two days later, she was walking out the door. She was determined and ready to get home. Again credit needs to be given to Dr. McCullom and her Oncology Team. They were with her and there for her every minute of her stay.
Mom came home on Sunday, April 19, 2009 shortly after we celebrated Lindsey's Carnival Birthday bash. As much as I know Mom would have loved to be there, it definitely would not have been a restful event for her. The kids had a blast. The day was beautiful and what a perfect ending for the party but to see Mom walking through the door.
Each day she is getting stronger following surgery. Each day she is able to eat and drink a bit more. Nausea is still no fun and creeps its ugly head every once in a while. But have no fear, Mom is a tough cookie.
She has her treatment planning appointment with Dr. McCullom on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. From there she will learn the details of her Chemo protocol and get more information to guide her in her fight to be healthy and to live long and to live well. With her faith, her support, and her determination, that is exactly what she plans to do.
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, your prayers, your kindness, your friendship and your support. It means the world to us and it means the world to Mom. Please keep the positive thoughts and prayer coming her way.
With all of our love and all of our gratitude to you Mom!
Your Gang
What a great idea to post a blog. I look forward to following closely. Of course, my continued prayers are with Char and you guys, her family. I have even added her to my children's prayer list at night where we thank God for just about everyone we have ever laid eyes on. I told the boys that Char is a very special person to Mommy and maybe one day they will be lucky enough to meet her. That's all they needed to hear- now they never forget to say her name in the long list.
ReplyDeleteAgain, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Hi, it's a very great blog.
ReplyDeleteI could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing..this is a great way to keep everyone in the loop. We are once again wishing we lived closer to you all so that we could come take care of you guys. You and Char are in our daily thoughts and will continue to hope for the best possible outcome. All our love and lots of hugs...The Moore Fam
ReplyDeleteThe Dr. Seuss poem was excellent and I'm looking forward to all of your updates. Keep giving those troubles trouble! Jason Abreau
love the shopping pictures!