I was sitting in a movie theater w/ Lindsey & a friend on Easter Sunday, watching none other than, you guessed it, "Hannah Montana", a movie I wasn't expecting to like to much, but hey, we do these things to make our kids happy, right? As the movie went on & different songs were sung, one song in particular sung by Miley Cyrus & her father really hit me, & brought tears to my eyes. Suddenly, I remembered being a little girl scared to try something new, or too shy to talk to someone, & there was always this voice, my mothers voice telling me to go for it, you can do anything you set your mind to. As I grew older, I made some really dumb choices, got into worlds of trouble, & now in my adult life am facing very stressful situations as a parent & with my job, my mom has ALWAYS been there, She is my rock, my everything, without her, I would not be who I am today. My biggest dream as a mother is to be as wonderful of a mother to Lindsey & Jason as my mom has been to me. There have been so many times I have just wanted to give up, I was tired of fighting, but mom is always there pushing me along, helping me to be strong. I saw myself as the little girl she was singing about & it reminded me of just how mom always is, she's ALWAYS been there to comfort me, encourage me, & to catch me when I fall. I wanted to share the words to the song with you mom, so that you know everything you do & have done for us has never gone un-noticed & how much I love you! You mean the world to me!!!
Caterpillar in the tree...
By Miley & Billy Ray Cyrus
You tucked me in, turned out the light,
kept me safe & sound at night.
Little girls depend on things like that.
you brushed my teeth & combed my hair,
had to drive me everywhere,
you were always there when I look back.
You had to do it all alone, make a living, make a home,
It must have been as hard as it could be.
And when I couldn't sleep at night,
scared things wouldnt turn out right,
you would hold my hand & sing to me:
Caterpillar in the tree, how you wonder who you'll be,
can't go far but you can always dream.
Wish you may & wish you might,
don't you worry, hold on tight,
I promise you there will come a day,
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away,
You got your wings now you can't stay,
take those dreams & make them all come true.
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away,
You've been waiting for this day,
all along you've known just what to do.
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly,
Butterfly fly away!
I love you mom, with all my heart, I am here for you every step of the way! It is beacuse of your love & support throughout all my trials & tribulations, that I am who I am today. I know I don't say it as much as I should, but not a day goes by that I don't thank God for giving me the best mother in the world. I love you mama!!!
Love always,
Ann Marie =)
(ps: for those of you reading, I wrote this under moms name cuz I'm not very good w/ computers, so I don't know how to do it under my own name.LOL! Sorry, my brother got the brains, but at least I got the looks! haha! Love you too Jay!)
Very nice Sis. We are very lucky indeed. Love to everyone. Hugs to those beautiful babies. See you all Friday! I'll give you the blogspot tutorial. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat was very sweet Annie. Now let me go get a tissue. Snot is dripping on the keyboard.
ReplyDeleteho hum, it does it to me too. I can't listen to the one from Mama Mia "school bag in hand..." without bursting into tear too. My six year old thinks I'm mad.I lost my Mum last year and I miss her so much. Make the most of what you have while you can. You never know when it will be gone.