- W. J. Slim
Today, Char reached a difficult decision regarding her course of treatment. She is going to move forward with the clinical trial for Bevacizumab. Bevacizumab is a drug currently approved for use in late stage Colon, Lung and Breast Cancer. It has shown some promising results in early human testing on combating tumor growth and formation in woman with recurrent Ovarian Epithelial Cancer. In addition to the standard protocol for Chemotherapy, the idea is that Bevacizumab will assist in fighting the potential of future recurrence of tumor growth and formation. She has an appointment tomorrow at 2:00 PM to finalize paperwork and assessments, schedule further testing and to set her initial chemo appointment.
The medical and scientific portion of my brain is a solid proponent of clinical trials in the interest of health, science and a better life for generations to come. The son side of my brain, as my friend Heather informed me it would, was having difficulty with the idea of my Mom taking part in a clinical trial with uncertain interventions, uncertain outcomes and some scary potential side effects.
This challenging decision for Mom to make caused me to reflect on the true selflessness of an individual committing to such a clinical trial. There is no certainty of the personal health benefit from clinical trials. There is no guaranteed treasure for your time, your labors and your sacrifices. There is no cost savings on treatment. Certainly, when a person commits to a clinical trial there is hope of a potential new medical advancement that could positively impact their journey. But truly when they commit themselves they are dedicating themselves as one piece of an enormously complex medical puzzle that down the road, who knows how many years or how many generations, just may help another person fight a battle for their health and for their life. That is an incredibly noble, selfless and wonderful gift for an individual to give.
Mom, thank you for this gift that you are giving. To everyone who has committed and sacrificed to get medical advancements to where they are today so that my Mom has a great chance at a healthy life where she will be an active loving part of my children's lives, thank you so very very much.
Char's Gang