So round two was a bit rougher than round one. Thursday brought sleep. Friday was restful and tired but good. Saturday was busy, relaxed, nice but tiring. Saturday night and working into Sunday the rough spot came. Sunday seems to be the day that brings the symptoms following a Thursday round of chemo. Aches throughout joints, painful muscles, difficulty sleeping, fatigue and overall flu-like symptoms tend to hit by Sunday morning. They reared their ugly heads a bit earlier this week setting in later Saturday evening.
We all celebrated Madison's Birthday on Sunday. Char was not about to miss it. As you can see from the pics, she looked great. She does not seem to let on or show too much discomfort from the symptoms. As I have said numerous times, she is a trooper! We all had a very nice time at Madison's party. Deby and Ernie did a great job and the hospitality was wonderful. The kids had an absolute blast! There were water balloons, a Slip and Slide, water cannons, you name it and if it pertained to kids and water, it was covered. Mom had a very nice time. As the day progressed, she became visibly fatigued and went in for some cool air and some lounging in the recliner and air conditioning. It was obvious that this just drove her nuts. She wanted to be out with everyone else. Ask my Mom or my wife and they will tell you for sure, I am a sap when I am not feeling well. I am either angry and frustrated fighting and pretending I am fine or I have my head under the blankets not to see the light of day...and we are talking about a cold. ;) Not Mom, she was mad that Heaven forbid, three days after CHEMO...she was having to take it easy. All I have to say Mom, is WOW, good for you.
Sunday evening, Mom did exactly what she needed. She went home and she slept the evening and night away. Monday came and the achiness began to simmer down. Now it was time for the fun stomach pains and discomfort. This took most of Monday and into Tuesday to subside. But don't you know it, by Tuesday afternoon Mom was running around with Sherry visiting friends, going to lunch and grocery shopping. Amazing, simply amazing. Now please note, I am an Occupational Therapist. It is my job to get people up and participating in their daily lives even when they are just status-post surgery or in the midst of dealing with an illness or disease. It is truly amazing how the human body, the human mind and the human spirit are connected and any one piece can have such a dramatic impact on any outcome for the entire person. Simply incredible. Amazing Mom. Your mindset, your determination and your tenacity are a force to be reckoned with...but somehow in depths of my brain where my stubborn little boy memories are stored, I have always known this. ;)
So today is a good day. If history repeats itself, Friday may bring the sniffles and a bit of a cold. These do not compare to the rough spot which Char is over the hump of for this cycle. Mom, we are praying for sixteen days of rest, recovery and good feelings from here on out. Two down. You are a pro now. You know you can handle it. You can handle it, you can laugh at it, and you just keep doing what you are doing. You are obviously doing it right! We are all very proud of your courage, your determination, your spirit, your sense of humor and your unwaivering faith.
We love you very much! Sweet dreams Mom.
All of Our Love,
Your Gang
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