Today's Message of the Day is:
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not to be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.
Four Chemo treatments down and two to go. Char is doing great! Just a little example of how this can be described objectively...yesterday in Virginia Beach, the day started cool and overcast. Char, Chandra, Sophie and I decided to meet our dear friends the Cagnis at the park for an hour of watching the girls run on the playground. About five minutes before we left, I went to my truck to get Sophie's stroller. Well, in about 15 minutes, the temperature seemed to have risen about 15 degrees and the humidity went off the charts. Obviously, the clouds had been doing us a great service keeping the sun hidden and at bay. I was ready to throw in the towel, pack everyone in the truck and drive. Not Mom...or Chandra. So we set out. Now it is far from a long long walk, but definitely long enough on a hot summer day for anyone, let alone a woman who is in the midst of her fourth and most difficult chemo treatment yet. Did I mention that I was sweating like I just ran a marathon? Mom was just as cool and calm and driven as can be. We made the walk. We watched the girls run and laugh and play. When we were ready to head back, there was a car ready and waiting to take Mom home. Not an option. She was completing the task that she set out to complete...and complete it she did!
The last week had been a rough one. As we have previously discussed, each treatment seems to take a further toll. That being said, Char keeps bouncing back in minimal time and with minimal distraction from her daily tasks, obligations and desires. Since treatment started and since getting back to work, last week held the first day that she was too sore, nauseous and tired to go to work on Tuesday. She spent a quiet evening at home. Wednesday, she was right back at it. This weekend she was: having fun with the kids and grandchildren, cooking, doing dishes, went out for little shopping jaunts twice and went on the Sunday walk all in a 48 hour period. Before anyone starts thinking poorly of her kids, she insisted on some cooking and some dishes folks! We certainly helped and offered but sometimes Mom is just going to do what Mom is going to do and we were booted from the kitchen on at least one occasion this weekend. The weekend was wonderful but flew by as always. She never missed a beat.
Char is enjoying having the energy and taking full advantage of this energy and its role in her rehabilitation filling each moment with activity as she is able. Yesterday before we left, Mom and I set up a resistance, stability and stretching routine for her to begin regaining some core and abdominal strength that she has lost since her surgery. She is ready to go. I expect a call in a few weeks for some progression of this routine.
Overall, things could not be moving in a better direction. CA125 levels continue to decline. They are down to 14 as of her last blood tests. Remember that below 35 is considered within normal limits and she is at 14! CT Scans are showing no new growth or activity. Her white blood cell counts are rising and falling and rising again as well as or better than expected following chemo sessions. Platelet levels seem to have improved overall.
So there you have it everyone. Char is doing GREAT! She has two more cycles ahead of her. By September, this challenging cycle will be behind her. She will continue her study participation for another nine months, but side effects and time allocation for treatment will decrease dramatically. She is certainly looking forward to that day!
Mom, you continue to amaze and inspire us all. You are a true picture of the fact that a strong positive mind, heart, soul and faith does indeed have a tremendous impact on functional and health outcomes for an individual facing any disease or disability. Remember, medicine is there and your Oncology team plays a TREMENDOUS role in your success, but you and you alone determine how any of this will impact your life. We could not be happier with the positive focus, direction and drive that you have chosen for your journey to health. It will get you there and it will keep you smiling in the process. It will remind you to break the rules. It will help you love truly. It will make you laugh uncontrollably. Life may not to be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we should certainly dance!
All Of Our Love,
Your Gang
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not to be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.
Four Chemo treatments down and two to go. Char is doing great! Just a little example of how this can be described objectively...yesterday in Virginia Beach, the day started cool and overcast. Char, Chandra, Sophie and I decided to meet our dear friends the Cagnis at the park for an hour of watching the girls run on the playground. About five minutes before we left, I went to my truck to get Sophie's stroller. Well, in about 15 minutes, the temperature seemed to have risen about 15 degrees and the humidity went off the charts. Obviously, the clouds had been doing us a great service keeping the sun hidden and at bay. I was ready to throw in the towel, pack everyone in the truck and drive. Not Mom...or Chandra. So we set out. Now it is far from a long long walk, but definitely long enough on a hot summer day for anyone, let alone a woman who is in the midst of her fourth and most difficult chemo treatment yet. Did I mention that I was sweating like I just ran a marathon? Mom was just as cool and calm and driven as can be. We made the walk. We watched the girls run and laugh and play. When we were ready to head back, there was a car ready and waiting to take Mom home. Not an option. She was completing the task that she set out to complete...and complete it she did!
The last week had been a rough one. As we have previously discussed, each treatment seems to take a further toll. That being said, Char keeps bouncing back in minimal time and with minimal distraction from her daily tasks, obligations and desires. Since treatment started and since getting back to work, last week held the first day that she was too sore, nauseous and tired to go to work on Tuesday. She spent a quiet evening at home. Wednesday, she was right back at it. This weekend she was: having fun with the kids and grandchildren, cooking, doing dishes, went out for little shopping jaunts twice and went on the Sunday walk all in a 48 hour period. Before anyone starts thinking poorly of her kids, she insisted on some cooking and some dishes folks! We certainly helped and offered but sometimes Mom is just going to do what Mom is going to do and we were booted from the kitchen on at least one occasion this weekend. The weekend was wonderful but flew by as always. She never missed a beat.
Char is enjoying having the energy and taking full advantage of this energy and its role in her rehabilitation filling each moment with activity as she is able. Yesterday before we left, Mom and I set up a resistance, stability and stretching routine for her to begin regaining some core and abdominal strength that she has lost since her surgery. She is ready to go. I expect a call in a few weeks for some progression of this routine.
Overall, things could not be moving in a better direction. CA125 levels continue to decline. They are down to 14 as of her last blood tests. Remember that below 35 is considered within normal limits and she is at 14! CT Scans are showing no new growth or activity. Her white blood cell counts are rising and falling and rising again as well as or better than expected following chemo sessions. Platelet levels seem to have improved overall.
So there you have it everyone. Char is doing GREAT! She has two more cycles ahead of her. By September, this challenging cycle will be behind her. She will continue her study participation for another nine months, but side effects and time allocation for treatment will decrease dramatically. She is certainly looking forward to that day!
Mom, you continue to amaze and inspire us all. You are a true picture of the fact that a strong positive mind, heart, soul and faith does indeed have a tremendous impact on functional and health outcomes for an individual facing any disease or disability. Remember, medicine is there and your Oncology team plays a TREMENDOUS role in your success, but you and you alone determine how any of this will impact your life. We could not be happier with the positive focus, direction and drive that you have chosen for your journey to health. It will get you there and it will keep you smiling in the process. It will remind you to break the rules. It will help you love truly. It will make you laugh uncontrollably. Life may not to be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we should certainly dance!
All Of Our Love,
Your Gang